Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture- Initial
Facial and Body Acupuncture with Dermalux Flex LED light therapy
Service Description
The Acuregen Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture approach is the use of traditional Chinese medicine theory and techniques to enhance wellbeing and lifestyle, in order to promote and maintain a reduction in the signs of ageing. A combination of facial, auricular (ear) and body acupuncture is used in each treatment to not only provide a cosmetic effect but also treat any underlying pathology from the TCM perspective. Tightening of skin and replenishment of lost superficial collagen and elastin is achievable with cosmetic acupuncture and collagen enhancement treatments. With needling of the skin there is an electrical depolarisation in the tissue, activating acellular activity, known as a healing cascade, which produces collagen and elastin from the fibroblasts. Collagen and elastin are the structures of the skin that maintain both elasticity and firmness. Benefits: Reduces open pores and scar tissue Reduces puffy eyes, face , throat and body Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Gives the complexion a fresher glow due to increased circulation Lifts and tones sagging muscles and skin Improved sleep. relaxation and many more health benefits
Contact Details
17 Demesne Road, Holywood, UK
+ +44 (0) 7971883359